Priority Health Concerns in British Columbia & the Training of Future Physicians
In October 2019, the undergraduate medical program at UBC formed a curriculum review working group to re-examine the mission and vision of the MD program with the lens of the social accountability mandate from the Committee on Accreditation of Canadian Medical Schools. The accreditation standard states that: “A medical school is committed to address the priority health concerns of the population it has a responsibility to serve” and that this commitment is “a) articulated in its mission statement, b) fulfilled in its education program through its admissions, curricular content, and types and locations of educational experiences; c) evidenced by specific outcome measures”.
Patient & Community Partnership for Education, a unit in UBC Health, designed and facilitated a consultation process with patients, care givers and community representatives on behalf of the Curriculum Review Working Group. Special efforts were made to include voices of those who are not normally heard by educational decision-makers. The report summarizes input obtained from a forum held on 3 December 2019 attended by 20 people, and a survey completed by an additional 18 people. It is accompanied by a short video that brings to life some of the priority issues identified by participants.